This is an overview of our services, it is not a complete list of everything that we do, so if you reequire something that is not here then please ask.
Complete systems which include secure user friendly web applications with a database baackend. A linux daemon or windows service can be added to interface from the database to field controllers. The field controllers could be a Pocket PC or a custom designed unit.
Database design
We are engineers not web designers so when we design a database it is designed to be quick, flexible and efficient. We use either SQL Server, My SQL or for small applications SQLLite. To help protect your data integrety we use stored procedures and triggers. The business logic of the data is kept with the data. This makes sure that when the database is accessed whether it is from a system service or website the data is accessed in the same way.
Web applications
We design web applicatoins, not websites. What this means is that we don't add extras, the web applications is an application that you use for business. It is designed to be easy to navigate, quick to load and simple to read.
The advantages of having a web appliation over a normal application(like access) to store your data in are:
- Accessability - The data is availiable on every PC in your local network, and even availiale via the internet(over a secure link with password protection). This can be very handy if your business includes travel.
- Upgradablitiy - Because the web application exists on the one server it is easy to rollout upgrades and extra features. It is also easy to backup data.
- Shareability - The data that is added to the web application is availiable to everyone (the availiability of sensitive information can be protected by user level security.
- Security - Because the data is in one place it is easy to impliment security on your important data. This can be done by user access with password and groups to allow users access to only the data they need. This can include the ability to only view data but not change it without the correct security clearance.
PCB design
We offer a complete PCB design service from conception to implimentation. We specialise in embedded micro controllers especially in ATMEL AVR 8-bit processor range. We can handle proffesionally finished prototypes and small scale manufacturing. We do double layer and multilayer boards.

We are familure but not limited to the following technologies:
- GPS - Global Positioning System
- GSM - Global System for Mobile communications
- GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
- Bluetooth - low power short range wireless communication protocol
- Zig-Bee - low power wireless communication protocol
- Compact flash memory - low power long term flash storage
- Ethernet - high speed wired networking
- LCD - Liquid Crystal Display, a low power display
- Resistive toouch screen - touch screen technology that uses resistance to detect touch, works with stylus and gloved hand
From Linux daemons in GCC or Windows services in Visual Studio .net to web applications in php and embedded microcontrollers using c and assembler, nothing is too hard. Familure with a wide range of programming languages and platforms. We specialise in the ATMEL AVR 8-bit processor family coding in C and C++. All coe is written in a modular manner making it easier to maintain and update.